Investment Portfolio Tracking App

In today's fast-paced and interconnected world, managing an investment portfolio can be a daunting task. As investors, it is crucial to stay updated on market trends and the performance of our assets. Thankfully, investment portfolio tracking apps have emerged as a game-changer in this arena, providing us with a convenient and efficient way to monitor and analyze our investments. MKTS (Markets) is the leading investment portfolio tracking app which allows you to track stocks, crypto, ETFs, mutual funds, GIC's, cash and lots more.

Features of Investment Portfolio Tracking Apps

Portfolio Overview

One of the core features of investment portfolio tracking apps is the ability to provide a comprehensive snapshot of your portfolio. This includes a clear breakdown of your assets by category, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and cryptocurrencies. Most apps also display the total value of your investments, as well as the percentage change in value over time.

Real-time Market Data

To stay abreast of market fluctuations, these apps typically offer real-time data on stock prices, indices, and other relevant financial information. This feature enables you to monitor the performance of individual assets and the overall market, allowing for prompt adjustments to your investment strategy when needed.

Performance Analysis

Investment portfolio tracking apps often come equipped with analytical tools that can help you assess the performance of your assets. These tools can generate insights into your portfolio's returns, volatility, and risk-adjusted performance, among other metrics. This information is invaluable when it comes to fine-tuning your investment strategy and making data-driven decisions.

Customizable Alerts and Notifications

To ensure that you never miss an important market development, many apps offer customizable alerts and notifications. These can be tailored to your preferences, such as being notified when a particular stock reaches a specific price, or when your portfolio's value crosses a certain threshold. This feature helps you stay informed and react quickly to market movements.

Diversification Analysis

A well-diversified portfolio is key to mitigating risk and ensuring consistent returns. Investment portfolio tracking apps can help you analyze your current diversification and suggest ways to improve it. By evaluating the correlation between different assets, these apps can identify potential imbalances and recommend adjustments to optimize your risk-reward ratio.

Tax-efficient Investing

Many investment portfolio tracking apps can also help you manage your tax liabilities by providing insights into tax-efficient investment strategies. This can include tracking your capital gains and losses, as well as suggesting tax-advantaged investments such as municipal bonds or retirement accounts.

Benefits of Investment Portfolio Tracking Apps


One of the most significant advantages of using an investment portfolio tracking app is the convenience it offers. With all your investment data at your fingertips, you can quickly access and analyze your portfolio from anywhere, at any time. This eliminates the need to sift through multiple brokerage accounts and financial statements to get a holistic view of your investments.

Informed Decision-making

Investment portfolio tracking apps arm you with valuable insights and data to make well-informed decisions. By providing real-time market data, performance analytics, and diversification recommendations, these apps empower you to optimize your investment strategy based on your risk tolerance, financial goals, and market conditions.


Managing an investment portfolio can be time-consuming, particularly when you need to track multiple assets across different platforms. Investment portfolio tracking apps streamline this process, enabling you to monitor your investments efficiently and freeing up time for other important tasks or interests.

Enhanced Financial Literacy

As you engage with the various features and tools offered by investment portfolio tracking apps, you will likely improve your financial literacy. Over time, this can lead to a better understanding of investment concepts, market trends, and risk management, ultimately resulting in more confident and effective decision-making.

Increased Control

Investment portfolio tracking apps provide you with increased control over your investments, allowing you to stay engaged with your portfolio's performance and proactively make adjustments as needed. This sense of control can lead to greater peace of mind, knowing that you are actively working towards your financial goals.

Considerations When Choosing an Investment Portfolio Tracking App


As with any app that handles sensitive financial information, it is crucial to consider the security measures employed by the investment portfolio tracking app you choose. Look for apps that use encryption, two-factor authentication, and other security features to protect your personal and financial data.


While many investment portfolio tracking apps are available for free, some may charge a fee for premium features or access to advanced tools. It's essential to weigh the costs and benefits of each app and consider whether the additional features justify the expense.


Ensure that the app you select is compatible with your device's operating system and can integrate with your existing brokerage accounts or financial platforms. This will streamline the process of importing and tracking your investment data.

Customization and User Experience

Choose an app that offers a high degree of customization, allowing you to tailor the interface and notifications to your preferences. Additionally, opt for an app with an intuitive and user-friendly design to ensure a positive user experience.

Reviews and Recommendations

Before settling on an investment portfolio tracking app, it's wise to research user reviews and recommendations. This can provide valuable insight into the app's performance, reliability, and overall user satisfaction.


Investment portfolio tracking apps have become an indispensable tool for modern investors, offering a wealth of features and benefits that can streamline the investment management process and contribute to more informed decision-making. By carefully considering the security, cost, compatibility, customization, and user experience of these apps, you can find the perfect solution to help you stay on top of your investments and work towards achieving your financial goals.